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Thank you for your order and good luck on the drawing!

Contest time! 

After you have placed your online order fill out the form above for your chance to win one of the following prizes. Only orders placed between September 28th at 11:00 a.m. to October 5th at 2:00 p.m. will be valid. Seven different winners will be chosen and notified which of the seven prizes listed below that they have won. 

Prize #1
Your Choice of a Miranda DVD - either volume 1, 2, 3, 4


Prize #2

Your Choice of a Probst DVD - Beaverin', Coonin', Minkin', or Muskratin'


Prize #3

4 ounce Lenon's Lures of your choice


Prize #4

4 ounce Payne Lure of your choice


Prize #5
$10 gift certificate to Minnesota Trapline


Prize #6

Dozen pack of HAGz clips or brackets 


Prize #7

1 ounce Reuwsaat's Lure of your choice

Contest entries will close October 5th at 2:00 p.m. central time. Winners will be chosen by random draw and notified via email or phone
.  All information on the above form is required for valid entry.

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